In today’s high-paced fashion society, it is very hard to not let fashion affect credit.
When making these big purchases to keep up with the latest styles, one must ask him or herself, “Can I afford it and is this purchase really that important?”
With the upkeep of what is “in”, it may give the impression to the public that people have the means to afford the designer clothing.
Having the means, insinuates that you can afford to purchase these materialistic things without having to borrow money from credit cards, parents, or even sacrificing rent money or other funds for other important necessities.
With the interest of looking like high status stars such as, Beyoncé and P. Diddy, or giving off the 50 Cent persona of being popular and expensive, the question is, whether the cost is even higher and much more damaging when it affects credit?
Since credit is very essential to one’s future, investments in short term fashion may not be so wise.
Jermaine Barnaby, a 21-year-old Florida State University computer science student from Fort Lauderdale, believes that it is stupid to put your credit at risk for fashion.
“Because you are only making your credit worst. Instead, start saving and paying your bills in order to better your credit,” Barnaby said.
People often use credit for buying their first home, having a second and third credit card, taking out loans, or even getting a job.
“There is a lack of awareness on the issue of credit. It is sad and unfortunate. I do not believe that colleges should allow credit card companies to solicit to students without credit counseling. I believe that FAMU, being a black school, should lead the pack in addressing the credit crisis that blacks, especially ones graduating from FAMU, are experiencing,” said Martha Joseph, a 22-year-old junior political science student from Fort Lauderdale.
Students understand that other students partake in using credit cards without being responsible enough to handle it.
“So often college students open credit cards and max out there credit cards without realizing how it is going to effect them in the future,” said Kahylah Elie, a junior hospitality administration student at Florida State University from Los Angeles. “They come out of college having to deal with bad credit and paying back their loans.”
For many people, spending money on fashion is a personal choice.
Letting fashion be a short-term or long-term investment is a personal decision.
“If you can’t pay cash for it, then you can’t afford it,” said Mike Rob
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