The Famuan: What are the basic elements of Feng Shui, and how can these principles be implemented into someone’s life?
Brenda Moody: Everything contains chi (energy) and is interconnected. Just like people can have positive attitudes and negative attitudes, the energy that surrounds us is either positive (healthy and vibrant) or it is stagnant (making one feel tired, short of patience or making it hard to concentrate/study).
The object is to create as much positive energy as possible in one’s space to support the goals and aspirations of that person. By using Feng Shui concepts, one can actually coach the natural energy in the environment to achieve more love, better grades, more prosperity…all with less effort and more ease. Life is not supposed to be struggle. Feng Shui is like a tool that can assist is a smoother flow in all areas.
The key is to create balance. This is done by looking at a grid (called the Baqua) that identifies nine areas of life that can be enhanced by Feng Shui. The grid is placed over the room or apartment and missing areas are noticed. These areas represent the stressful segments of the occupant’s relationships. Often I find that the relationship area is where they keep their kitty litter box. The picture above the bed also holds importance. Does it reflect what you want to create in your life? Abstract geometric shapes are not good Feng Shui when placed above the bed if one is interesting in attracting relationships, nor are pictures of a single woman walking by herself along a dead end road.
A lot of the Feng Shui concepts make sense; for example, too much clutter will clutter up your mind and keep you from progressing forward. It also represents chaos and can make it difficult to focus. Often clutter is associated with past issues that have not been dealt with, or clinging to the past. Consider your collections of things in your own room. Do they represent who you are today? If you have outgrown them, let them go. This opens the door for fresh new chi to come your way (new opportunities). Clutter breeds depression.
Finally, no one is a victim of a bad environment. If the chi is stuck, move it, rearrange the furniture, add fresh flowers. Plants absorb negative energy and so do fish. Less is better. Simplicity is a good thing. Clear the clutter; experiment and have fun. Be cognizant of your attitude when you are decorating your surroundings. Do it when you are upbeat and feeling great about life and that intention will make a difference in the results.
Famuan: Do you think that people need a Feng Shui consultant in order to properly practice Feng Shui?
Moody: There are many layers of FS, and I just touched only the surface. One can benefit by considering the basics.
If you do not sleep well in your bed or if you have arranged things and rearranged them and it doesn’t help; if you cannot concentrate or find you are continuously depressed, a consultant would be helpful.
Famuan: In your opinion, how can people benefit from applying the art of Feng Shui in their lives?
Moody: I have seen absolute miracles in people’s lives as a result of Feng Shui, especially if that person is trying to make a fresh start. Also when one is stepping into personal empowerment, Feng Shui can be amazing. It is a tool to build self-confidence and create you heart’s desires.
Famuan: Is there anything that someone interested in Feng Shui should know before they apply this practice to their lives?
Moody: Be careful when placing mirrors and crystal. Yes, they will create more positive energy. But they can also keep you up at night with too much energy, which wears on the nervous system. The body’s energy system is very sensitive during sleep time; so don’t get carried away with these enhancements in your bedroom.
Look for repeated shapes over and over; they signify imbalance and can cause problems. For example, a lot of sharp angles in an environment cause (rigidity) and this causes friction in relationships. Soft rounded corners (on beds, furniture, wall hangings) soften the eyes, the heart and create more loving relationships. Likewise, a furniture arrangement that looks like you are being embraced when you walk in the door will be very welcoming; chairs with the backs facing the door show another kind of “body language.”
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