The Famuan is accepting nominations for the most influential men on campus. Candidates cannot nominate themselves. Nomination forms are due Friday by 4:30 p.m. and are available in The Famuan office in Tucker Hall Room 309.
FOCUS 2005 is sponsoring a Georgia Tech campus visit for 10 students interested in attending graduate school there. The deadline is Friday. For more information, visit or contact Linda Knight at 599-3505 or e-mail
The Freshman Class is looking for the SoSo Fresh men and women to be featured in the SoSo Fresh 2005 calendar. Applications will be in the SGA office until Tuesday. A non-refundable $3 application fee and photo must be submitted with the application. Contact R.J. Allen, freshman cabinet member, at 407-758-6969.
The 34th Student Senate is now accepting applications for the A&S Budget Committee. Applications are available in the SGA office and at least one student is needed from each class. The deadline is Nov. 19. Contact Carey Goins at 599-3624 for more information.
Applications for the Justin Applewhite Memorial Scholarship are available in the office of student activities. Applications should be turned in by Nov. 19 in the office of student activities. Contact Jennifer Lanier at 574-4376 or for more information.
The FAMU McNair Program is currently accepting applications for the 2004-05 school year. Priority deadline is Nov. 19. If you plan to attend grad school and need research experience, contact 599-8401 for more information.
Early Academic Advisement for Spring 2005 will be held through Nov. 30 in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences and Benjamin Banneker Tech Building A. Contact Ms. Jones at 412-7362 or
It is time for the SGA’s annual Thanksgiving Basket drive, “Project 117.” Organizations can purchase a basket for $40 to be donated to a local family. Contact Malik Littles or Morgen Long at 599-3624 or
The Museum of Florida History will showcase 23 pieces of art created by a group of black artists through Jan. 9 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Contact Erik Robinson at 245-6400.
The Beta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. will sponsor a book drive throughout the month of November for overseas troops. Books should be in good condition. For more information, contact Marie Triche at 322-0021.
The Honors Program will have tutors available every day to help FAMU students. Subjects for each day are: Math on Monday, Science on Tuesday, English on Wednesday, History on Thursday, Foreign Language on Friday.
If you are interested in attending self-defense courses, please e-mail Kimberly Peck at or call 599-3624. Classes are free and open to faculty, staff and students.
“SGA Talks” hosted by Young Dirty airs every Wednesday from 12:30 – 1 p.m. on WANM 90.5. Contact WANM at 599-3083 or the for more information.
The Emerging Leaders Series will meet every Tuesday at 6 p.m. in the Student Activities Office for all freshmen and sophomores. For more information, contact the Office of Student Union and Activities at 599-3400.
History and Political Science T-Shirts are available until the end of the semester. Stop by Tucker Hall Room 411 for more details.
The Student National Alumni Association is looking for officers for this school year. Contact Torey Alston at or 877-4705.
The School of Journalism and Graphic Communication needs volunteers for the month-long Black History Month Festival in February. Contact Alexia R. Robinson at 599-3159 or e-mail for more information.
The One FAMU Association is currently looking for individuals to fulfill a variety of leadership positions within the organization. For more information, please contact Bethany Jones at 850-915-4600 or email at
The FAMU Recruitment Call Center is looking for students to fill staff positions to help with recruitment calls, administrative and clerical work. For more information, contact Whitney Baldwin at 915-4914 or The One FAMU Association is currently looking for individuals with experience in the grant writing process to join a grant writing team. For more information, please contact Bethany Jones at 915-4600 or email at
The NCNW is compiling “FAMU Black Pages,” a business directory, and is looking for student-owned businesses. Contact Jessica Fields at 321-1799 or e-mail
Journey magazine is looking for an online editor for the 2004-05 school year. If you know how to create and design web pages and will be available to update the Web site, contact Russell Nichols at
Double Dose Thursdays (Bible study and a meal) will be held every Thursday at 6 p.m. in the Office of New Student Orientation. Contact Marisa Montgomery at 222-3092.
Participants Needed! Stress? Anxiety? Depression? If you are interested in assisting in more effective management of stress, anxiety and depression, your participation is requested to assist in this scientific endeavor to train and educate everyday people in the management of these common symptoms. For more information please contact Gwendolyn Singleton 412-7872.
Join the FAMU section of the National Council of Negro Women in the Soup’r Bowl, a Thanksgiving canned soup drive. Drop off any cans or soup (or food) to boxes located around campus or in the Student Activities Office. Proceeds will go to needy families around the community.
Applications are available for the All-Campus Academic Concerns Council in SGA. The ACACC is seeking representatives from all of the colleges and schools. For more information, please contact Paula Hill at 599-3624 or
The Student Government Association is looking for volunteers for the Publicity Team. There is a sign up sheet in SGA for all interested students. The Publicity Team will work directly with the Department of Communications. Contact Courtney Culmer at 599-3624 or for more information.
Tune in to hear “In the Know,” Tallahassee’s news and public affairs show addressing campus and community issues. Please contact host Darius Graham at 599-8447 or for more information.
The University Honors Program is hosting the “Honors Market.” Stop by the University Honors House and purchase low cost snacks today.
The One FAMU Association is currently in search of unbiased and impartial students seeking to conduct and independent audit of elected Student Government officials. For more information please contact Damita Davis 443-1681.
Join the Biology Department in collecting can goods for Thanksgiving baskets to be given to needy families at local schools. Please bring all donations to room 208 or the Biology Office in room 207.
Submissions to the Calendar are due by Monday at 10 a.m. for Wednesday’s issue, Wednesday by 10 a.m. for Friday’s issue and Friday by 10 a.m. for Monday’s issue. Entries run on a first-come, first-served basis and may be edited for space.