Although sexually transmitted diseases seem to be a topic most people would agree is properly publicized, there are still problems present on the campuses of Florida A&M University and Florida State University.
Many students say they understand the possible consequences of not wearing condoms and having sex with multiple partners, but still the numbers of students infected with a disease is rising.
Delexis Bagley, a third-year psychology student from Orlando, said students don’t care about the outcome of their actions because they get caught up in the moment.
“I don’t think students should engage in sexual activity with multiple partners,” Bagley said. “I believe that students should refrain from sexual activity until marriage.”
Although many students say to wait until marriage, few actually do. According to the Web site, seven out of 10 teens have already lost their virginity by the time they turn 15.
“I haven’t had sex since I’ve been here because of the fear that I might contract something,” said Lee Oliver, a second-year student at FSU. “Condoms aren’t fool proof.”
Tony Pearson, a fourth-year biology student, said many forums are held on campus to inform students about the diseases out there.
“[We] held a forum for freshmen last year titled “Don’t Let it Burn.” We will continue to hold forums throughout the year informing students about the possibilities,” Pearson said. Pearson went on to say that SGA would be presenting Health Week Nov. 1 through Nov. 5.
“Students need to take care of themselves. Students need to be responsible and know that there is a possibility that they could become infected with a disease or become pregnant,” Pearson said.
Chase Davis, a third-year English and Spanish student said, “I don’t think students understand how easy it is for them to be infected with a disease.”
Both health facilities said they do not know the number of students who have contracted a disease because all of the reports are sent to Leon County Health Department.
Yolonda Miller, a Leon County health official, was not available for comment.
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