FAMU Announcements

FOCUS 2005 is sponsoring a Georgia Tech campus visit for students interested in attending graduate school there. Living accommodations, meals and transportation subsides will be provided. Only 10 students will be selected to attend. Visit www.focus.gatech.edu for more information on the program. The deadline is Nov. 12. For more information, contact Linda Knight at 599-3505 or lindaknight@famu.edu.

“SGA Talks” are every Wednesday from 12:30-1 p.m. on WANM 90.5. Listen in to hear the current topics affecting FAMU. Hosted by Young Dirty. Contact WANM 90.5 at 599-3083 or the flavastation@hotmail.com for more information.Camp Adventure is looking for students who are you interested in traveling abroad and working with children . Contact Tia Smith at famu@campadventure.com or 561-2989 for more information.

The School of Journalism and Graphic Communication will co-sponsor a month long Black History Month Festival in February. Volunteers are needed to help plan this event for FAMU and the surrounding community. If you, or an organization your represent, are interested in planning events, please contact Alexia Robinson at 904-662-0533 or email blackhistorymonthfestival@yahoo.com.

The Museum of Florida History will showcase 23 pieces of art created by a group of black artists through Jan. 9 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Contact Erik Robinson at 245-6400 for more information.

Do you have problems, suggestions or concerns? The Department of Student Welfare has issue forms for students to fill out in SGA. Please take a form and turn it into the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Student Welfare boxes. For more information, contact Kimberly Peck at 264-1067 or peck_kimberly@msn.com.

Fox News Channel has launched a $20,000 contest for undergraduate broadcast journalism students. Juniors and seniors majoring in broadcast journalism are invited to compete. Enter online at www.foxnews.com/collegechallenge by Oct. 15. All tape entries must be postmarked by Dec 31.

Early Academic Advisement for Spring 2005 will be held through Nov. 30 in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences and Benjamin Banneker Tech Building A. Please call or e-mail your academic adviser to make an appointment. Contact Ms. Jones at 412-7362 or msjones@cis.famu.edu.

FAMU is offering the $2,500 Arthur Thompson scholarship to two students who are residents of the Big Bend area, meet the requirements for the State University System of Florida and demonstrate a need for financial assistance. Pick up applications in Lee Hall Room 103. Applications must be submitted by Oct. 11. Contact Johnitta Richards at 599-3413 for more information.

Volunteers are needed for Hallelujah Night, a Christian alternative to Halloween. The Foundation of Faith Christian Center will be hosting the event. Any interested person should contact Crishana D. Mitchell at (850) 575-5400.

The 2004 FAMU Student Research Forum will be held Nov. 5 in the New Pharmacy Building. The forum is designed to bring together FAMU investigators, their research associates and students to exchange research findings in biomedical, behavior and clinical research. The best three undergraduate and graduate students will receive a plaque and a monetary award.

The S&R Administration is looking for graduate students to be a part of the cabinet, and to help make the graduate class the best class. For more information, e-mail famugraduateclass@yahoo.com.

The Campus Recreation Freedom Walkers want you to join them as they take steps toward better health Monday-Thursday from 5:30-7 p.m. on FAMU’s track. For more information, contact Kristin or Cathy at 599-3785 or campusreckristin@yahoo.com.

The Beta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is providing a book scholarship “W.E.B. Du Bois Talented Ten, Molding and Shaping the Future for African Americans.” Applications are available in the Office of Student Activities. Applications must be turned in at Foote Hilyer Health Administration in the Pharmacy section to Ms. Ross. Deadline is Oct. 13. For more information, contact Marie Triche at triche_m@hotmail.com.

The National Council of Negro Women is compiling “FAMU Black Pages”, a business directory, and is looking for student-owned businesses. To submit information, contact Jessica Fields at 321-1799 or jafields1984@hotmail.com.

If you are looking for experience in TV Broadcasting and have time on your hands for learning, training, and experience we are looking for you. The Community Eye, TV show and Time Out 4 Sports show are looking for writers, P.R. students, editors, reporters, graphic design and more. For more information contact Robyn K. Mizelle at RKMiz05@yahoo.com.

Journey magazine is looking for an online editor for the 2004-05 school year. If you know how to create and design web pages and will be available to update the Web site, contact Russell Nichols at journey_editor@yahoo.com.

Double Dose Thursdays (Bible study and a meal) will be held every Thursday at 6 p.m. in the Office of New Student Orientation. For more information, contact Marisa Montgomery at 222-3092.

Anyone interested in becoming a part of the SGA Department of Student Lobbying, there are applications in SGA on the second floor of the Student Union Building. All applications are due Friday, Oct. 8. For more information, contact Ruben Nelson at 561-2761 or e-mail ruben1.nelson@famu.edu.

The FAMU National Pan-Hellenic Council will present the 2004 Greek Step Show Oct. 22. Tickets will be on sale through the day of the show and can be purchased from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the ticket booth, located on the Set. The first 500 tickets sold will be $10. For more information, contact Crystal Smith 385-0688.