Editor,I have an idea for The Famuan. I am a daily reader of the Famuan like every other rattler. But I feel that it is missing something. It is missing entertainment; ex. comic strips, funny stories, etc. I want to write a series of fictional stories. A Famuan drama, with fake characters but real times and events on FAMU’s campus and in Tallahassee. This would also invite other aspiring short story authors to publish in The Famuan. If you are interested, you can e-mail me @ ZWrightone@lycos.com I want to be an anonymous author but will definitely identify myself to you and staff only if you are interested in my idea. It starts off as a student who has just transfered to FAMU and wants to share his experiences here with everyone and anyone who wants to read about him. He’s not a real person but he will talk about real things. It is like a soap or CSI. Please contact me, I have already started on the story and would like to have one published by the 13th of October. Zonbi Wright