As an alum of my beloved Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University, and as a former Mr. FAMU, I had to take time out of my busy schedule to thank you for being a voice of passion and reason in your most recent article in The Famuan (“President Gainous not alone in poor decision making”, Sept. 29).
I, like many other university graduates who are passionate about the continued growth and direction of our University, use The Famuan as a means of staying current with the issues. Nobody can speak for the students, but the students.
I was incensed with the idea of someone who has never walked the hills of FAMU, stood in the financial aid line, waited months for a net check or been put on hold because of a lack of accountability in the student accounts department attempting to put a muzzle on the president of my alumni association.
Thank you for shared passion in this issue, and I look forward to your continued coverage of FAMU’s news.
Marion Slaton