Blacks deserve to be acknowledged by both parties

Recently, I was searching for information about President George W. Bush’s plans for blacks if he is re-elected. As I browsed the Grand Old Party’s Web site, I noticed that it was lacking something the Democrats have, at the least, acknowledged.


Bush has snubbed blacks on several occasions since being elected president of the United States. Just ask the NAACP how many of their invitations he has accepted. The answer should make it clear what Bush’s stance is on black voters: We are not worth his time.

But you would think his party would at least attempt to take a more inclusive approach. Needless to say, they don’t. Sure we may perform for them at their national convention. But they have not made it clear what the Republican Party has to offer blacks.

Instead, the homepage at is filled with almost everything Kerry has done contrary to the Bush administration’s ideals. Somewhere between the “Kerryopoly” and “Kerryisms” they have posted their stance on the issues facing Americans. It’s just unfortunate that the Republican Party has failed to include blacks in their agenda.

You can say what you will about the Democratic Party, but you can’t say that they don’t acknowledge us and understand that our votes will indeed win them the White House this year. The Democrats’ Web site not only has an outline for black voters but for Hispanic ones as well.

Although no party should be privy to our vote by simply giving us a link on their Web site, we should at least be acknowledged for the strong voting bloc that we are.

The Republicans should work as hard to earn our votes as they have to convince the world that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. The party should outline ways in which they will enhance the lives blacks for the next four years.

I don’t know how anyone could consciously support a party that does not even take the time to mention them on their Web site.

Don’t allow yourself to be just another contributor to their campaign without you getting in return something more tangible – in writing.

Alexia Robinson is a senior magazine production student from Jacksonville. She is the Copy Desk Chief for The Famuan. She can be reached at