2004-2005 vehicle registration for students will be Sept. 13-17 from 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Registration is free of charge to all registered students. Please bring proof of enrollment, vehicle registration, picture ID and proof of housing. For residents only.
Would you like to help find solutions to Financial Aid problems? Applications for the Financial Aid Advisory Council are now available in the SGA lobby. All applications are due Sept. 24 by 5 p.m. For more information, contact Kimberly Peck at 264-1067 or peck_kimberly@msn.com.
Applications for the Economic Development Advisory Board are currently available in the student government offices. This task force will work directly with the Department of Economic Development in SGA. Contact Adrian Jordan at 599-3624 for additional information.
Journey Magazine is sponsoring two dorm room makeovers. Let us know in 150 words or less why your dorm room should be should be made over. E-mail entries to journey_styles@yahoo.com.
The Campus Recreation Freedom Walkers wants you to join them as they take steps toward better health Monday – Thursday from 5:30 – 7 p.m. on FAMU’s track. For more information, contact Kristin or Cathy at 599-3785 or campusreckristin@yahoo.com.
The Office of New Orientation will host its “Double Dose Thursdays.” Please, join them for bible study and a meal afterwards. For more information, contact Marisa Montgomery 222-3092 or mrm7383@yahoo.com.
Body Sculpting classes will be held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 5 – 5:50 p.m. in the Fitness Center. Please bring your FAMU ID. For more information, contact Andrew or Kristen at 599-3785 or campusreckristin@yahoo.com
Kenpo Self-Defense classes will be held every Monday and Wednesday from 6 – 6:50 p.m. in the Fitness Center. Please your FAMU ID. For more information, contact Andrew or Kristen at 599-3785 or campusreckristin@yahoo.com.
The Beta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is requesting students to nominate your best professor from each college. Nomination boxes will be provided in various colleges. Deadline: Sept. 23. For more information, contact Marie Triche at 224-8225.
The Beta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is providing a book scholarship “W.E.B. Du Bois Talented Ten, Molding and Shaping the Futurefor African Americans. All students are welcomed to participate. Deadline: Oct. 13. For more information, contact Marie Triche at 224-8225.
Hip-hop Aerobics classes will be held every Thursday form 4 – 4:50 p.m. in the Fitness Center. Please bring your FAMU ID. For more information, contact Andrew or Kristen at 599-3785 or campusreckristin@yahoo.com.
Journey Magazine is looking for models of all shapes and sizes for each section of the magazine. Full-body photos should be included with your application. Come by Room 307A of Tucker Hall to pick up an application.
Perdue University will accommodate students wishing to visit their universty and learn about the educational opportunities available. Purdue will cover transportation, lodging and meals for selected students. Applications are due Oct. 4. For more information or an application, contact Linda Knight in the Office of Gradduate Studie at 599-3505.
The Alpha Eta Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. is currently accepting donation of clothing and non-perishable items for its annual Sleepout for the Homeless Oct. 9. For more information or to donate contact Serge Beaubrun at 383-5583.