Some students argue that because students of other races comprise the minority at most HBCUs, they should receive special attention.
On most college campuses, minority scholarships are greatly a part of black students lives, and are offered for many other races as well.
Yet many students in the HBCU minority are not aware of the minority scholarships their school offers, or the lack thereof.
“I believe FAMU does offer scholarships for the minorities, but I’m not sure,” said Teena Huffaker, a sophomore English education student from Miami.
“Yet if they do, the scholarships are not well-known, and I didn’t apply for any,” added Huffaker, who is Caucasian.
Although the University does not offer scholarships to minorities, Hauffaker said FAMU was her first and only choice, and she is pleased with her decision.
Natalie Rose, an administrative assistant in the Presidential Scholar’s Office said, “the scholarships and grants we offer are only based on a student’s academic performance, test scores and or athletic ability.”
Rose’s response is backed by the University’s Web site,
The office of recruitment and scholarships section web page says: “This office identifies high school graduates who have earned outstanding academic achievements by obtaining the status as a National Achievement or Merit Finalists or by obtaining high test scores and grade point averages or by gaining recognition in leadership.”
But there are several funding options for minorities on campus.
Web sites such as offer students of other races minority scholarships. The site has links to scholarships for Hispanics, Asians, Alaskans and women.
The policy of offering scholarships solely for academic, and athletic performance is a policy that some students agree with.
Chezney Woodfaulk, a sophomore pharmacy student from Tallahassee said, “I don’t believe that people should automatically receive scholarships at HBCUs because they are the minority at that particular college.
If they are not recognized politically as a minority, then they should not be acknowledged as a minority simply because they attend a black college.”
Nekeyia Loyed, a freshman pharmacy student from Polk County said she is thankful the University doesn’t give scholarships to minorities.
Loyed said she doesn’t believe they have experienced the same struggles as black Americans.
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