Ladies and gentlemen, players and pimps, Negroes of the Necropolis – rise from your graves!
Contrary to the popular opinion of the day, neither Chevrolet trucks nor sport utility vehicles represent the heartbeat of America, unless you have confused America’s heartbeat with the blood-hungry throb of capitalism that rules this nation.
In such a case, Chevrolet serves as the perfect metaphor for American greed, since its manipulative marketing has influenced Americans into making gas-guzzling SUVs some of the most popular vehicles.
It’s no coincidence that these vehicles have flooded the roads at the same time that George Bush made his dash for oil in Iraq.
Do the math, people. The logic of the regime is so simple that it makes our own level of ignorance at first laughable and ultimately worthy of disgust.
Here is the thought process of the man on top: “I maintain dominance by making lots of money off the backs of the poor and the middle class and keep them in their positions by enticing them to spend money – while keeping me rich. The only way to secure heavy oil profits is to assure that once I obtain the oil, there is a definite source of high gas usage. In other words, I must expand the SUV market in order to have a place to funnel all of the oil I plan to hijack from my newly acquired Iraq,” says the cunning mass puppeteer.
Well folks, there you have it, the ugly
thud of capitalism.
It is our vanity, however, that keeps us there. Despite having seemingly removed ourselves from the bottom levels of society, black America has repeatedly been quick to don the minstrel make-up given us. We are like forlorn women who, after being beaten in the head and told we are not worthy, persist in futile attempts to be accepted by abusive lovers.
While our redemption lies in our resilience, now is definitely a time for redirection of our intentions. For in our blind attempts to live and love within the desolate American confines, we have been strung up into becoming the prime puppets of war proliferation.
Simply said: the way you spend your money may be the fulcrum of whether or not evil continues to prevail.
not evil continues to prevail.
Michael A. Moore is a junior business administration student from New Orleans. Contact him at