In “Twisted,” homicide detective Jessica Shepard, played by Ashley Judd, stumbles upon her one-night stands, who have been murdered. But viewers get thrown for a loop when she becomes her own prime suspect.
The movie’s plot seemed promising, but it leaves the audience in suspense for almost the entire film only to deliver minute satisfaction.
Since the death of her parents when she was 6 years old, her father’s partner, John Mills, played by Samuel L. Jackson, has raised her.
However, John is not the person Jessica thinks he is. John is a master of manipulation and he’s starting to convince Jessica that her partner, Mike Delmarco, played by Andy Garcia, killed all the men she is suspected of killing.
The film is not bad because it lacks a cast of veteran actors or a good plot. Its downfall is lack of action. There’s too much dialogue about what happened and what is going on and not enough presentation. It builds anticipation, but never gives the viewers the action they’re expecting. For example, the detectives venture to various crime scenes after the action has already taken place, leaving moviegoers in the dark.
The movie’s action finally starts to unfold in its final scene after John proceeds to plant evidence in Mike’s house, which ultimately leads Jessica to the truth of her parent’s death.
Jackson’s portrayal of John is superb as he makes the transition from good guy to villain. However, the transition should have been made earlier in the film.
Contrary to the title, the “twist” is revealed during the last five minutes of the film, which did nothing to make up for the other hour and 40 minutes of mind-numbing boredom.
Overall the movie is dull and I would not recommend it, unless you are an insomniac in need of a sleep aide.
So do not get “twisted” out of your six to eight dollars going to see this movie. And if you feel inclined to see it, bring some backup-a pillow and a blanket.
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