The University’s technology is getting a makeover thanks to President Fred Gainous’s new administrative appointment.
Kenneth Perry, who left his position of Chair of the Computer Science Department at Clark-Atlanta University, has been named the associate vice president for administrative affairs, the chief architect and technology officer at the University.
“My job is to provide technology for the University, manage design, installation and maintenance for the computer technology of the University,” Perry said.
Despite the fact that Perry has been on the job for less than a month, people who work with him are confident in his work ethic.
” He is already working late hours and he has only been here for three weeks,” said Wayne Dunwoody, senior campus network engineer.
“I am very excited about his arrival. It has been a long time coming to have a responsible person and to have a central point of direction for technology here on campus”, Dunwoody said.
Perry said he and the Office of Planning and Analysis are working to ensure the campus has the best technology there is to offer.
“Our goal is to support the newly developed technology that is out there. That will allow students to do research for class activities and to use the latest technology to pursue their studies,” Dunwoody said. “We also want faculty to have efficient technology on their desks and in the classrooms.”
Perry’s new position has students like Ronald Jordan eager to see what the he will provide as far as improvements to campus technology.
“I think that this [hiring] is necessary because of the lack of technology at FAMU in the library, math lab, and in other labs throughout campus,” said the 21-year-old junior pharmacy student from Fort Pierce. “Hopefully, this new position will allow faster service and benefit the students in the long-run.”
” The computers are very slow and the FAMU web site is inadequate,” Jordan said. “It is down most of the time.”
Vice President of Development Love Collins III said the appointment of Perry is an asset to the University.
“I think he’s a great addition to the University administration,” Collins said.
By the end of 2005, Perry said the University’s Web site will use Enterprise Resource Planning.
ERP is a software that is designed to assist users with university-related business.
“It is the one software system that will handle all of the business policies of the University, such as financial aid, student accounts, human resources, and payroll,” Perry said. “Students will also be able to interact with their professors by e-mail as well as see their grades.”
Getting all campus buildings connected to the Internet, expanding “the wireless canopy,” and launching ERP are the three goals Perry said he wants completed by the end of 2005.
Perry has other goals in mind as well.
“One of the first things we are doing is implementing a new e-mail address,” Perry said. “When students come back in the fall, we want to invite them to use their FAMU e-mail.”
Perry’s technological plans for the University has administrators impressed.
“[Perry’s] appointment is another example of forward movement by our administration team to field a full complement of senior university executives.” Collins said.
Contact Tyre Sperling