In the January 16 column, “Universityfalls short,” in an attempt to show the ignorance of the FAMU community regarding the MartinLuther King Jr. holiday, the writer instead showed hisown ignorance. He said he attended FSU’s convocation January 14 in order to “celebrate the ‘observed day'” of the holiday. However, the observed birthday is January 19. Perhaps the writer was referring to the actual birthday, which being January 15, still fails to make his case. On January 15, FAMU held its MLK convocation. Since the writer’s column was printed the next day andmade no mention of this event, am I to assume he wasn’tin attendance? The writer later said, “Don’t let FAMU’slack of celebration discourage you.” What lack ofcelebration? FAMU students and others gathered oncampus January 19 to hearGov. Jeb Bush speak. Later, many of the same people and more, including the fraternities and sororities the writermentioned, attended the annual march and rally.FAMU’s “lack” of celebration hasn’t discouraged me, but the writer’s lack of knowledge about a man who did wonderful things for people of all colorscertainly has.
Crystal Y. Lewis1112 S. magnolia dr. B206,