I am a FAMU class of 1983 grad. in Electrical Eng. Tech. I read the message board in the Tall. Democrat on a regular basis. I would like to see the FAMUAN report more regularly on the status of the Football Program because I think it is the single most important issue that we have ongoing at this time. I work at the Kennedy Space Center and I’m constantly asked what is going on with my University. And I really don’t know. I don’t believe half of the stuff that I read in MB in the Tall. Dem. but if half of it is true, then we’re in serious trouble as a University. Will you please get some comments from University Staff within the Athletic dept. and Admin. Dept. on where we’re at with the stadium plans, football recruiting,the upcoming football schedule for yr 2004, The FAMUAN is a very trusted newspaper to all of who are not on the yard. If we read it in the FAMUAN we know it can be trusted. Please let Coach Billy Joe that his Alumni need to hear from him with all this turmoil and negative reporting going on against the University.