Whether it’s trying a new food, adapting to the weather or encountering a different attitude, several out-of-state students have discovered that the transition to Southern living is not an easy one.
Shervon Coleman, a senior English student from Chicago said she had to adjust to a slower paced lifestyle. “Things are not as readily accessible here,” Coleman said. “Up North, there’s something for everyone.”
Arnold Bell, a professor of physical therapy at FAMU, and a native of Bronx, N.Y., agreed.
Despite living in the South for 21 years, Bell said he misses the variety of living up North.
“I miss the culture, the sports, the food, the entertainment … and ever so often I have to get back to the big city,” Bell said.
Nevertheless, one positive adjustment that Bell and other out-of-state students noted was the warm Southern weather.
“Even though up North is home I prefer living down here because it’s hot,” said April Eke, a freshman architecture student from Minneapolis.
With the exception of a few cold days, the South usually experience a warm climate all year long.
“I definitely don’t miss the cold climate,” Bell said, “I’ve shoveled enough snow for two lifetimes.”
In addition to the weather, out-of state students said the South has a friendly and cordial atmosphere.
“People from the South are usually more hospitable,” Coleman said. “Up North, we don’t talk to strangers.”
Eke agreed.
“People are more friendly here,” she said. “When you walk pass someone, they say, ‘hi.'”
Food and language were also two factors that out-of-state students said required some getting used to.
Bell, who had never heard of mullet before coming to the South, said a typical dish in New York was fried chicken and waffles.
Coleman, who had never heard of fish being eaten with grits, said that in Chicago fish is eaten with spaghetti.
Both Bell and Coleman, also shared the same sentiments about the language differences between the North and the South.
“I will never call ‘pop,’ ‘soda’ and I’m tired of people looking at me funny when I say I’m going to ‘the show’ instead of ‘the movies,'” Coleman said.
Bell, who still has his Northern accent, said that after living in the South for so long, he has to work hard to maintain it.
Despite the numerous differences between those in the North and the South, “Home is where your heart is,” Coleman said.
“And no matter where we’re from, there is something to be learned from people of every region.”
contact lana lockhart at llock26479@aol.com.