Motivated students are always looking for advantages and opportunities when planning their career paths. Jubilee Job-Link will offer the local working community such an opportunity today.
The Tallahassee based company will host a job fair at the Leon County Civic Center from 10am-5pm.
“Opportunities 2004: Jobs, services, and products,” will give major corporations an opportunity to meet with qualified job applicants.
The event, which is being sponsored by Clear Channel Radio, Tallahassee Democrat, and WCTV Channel 6, will give local businesses a chance to view innovative products that could possibly improve its efficiency.
Over forty organizations are scheduled to attend the fair including, AFLAC, Gold’s Gym, Enterprise Rentals, All-American Ford and the Tallahassee Democrat.
JJL is a non-profit organization that has been responsible for finding employment for more than 400 people since 2000. The program teaches critical job skill such as application completion and networking for those wanting to enter the work force.
Kara Palmer, a FAMU graduate, serves as JJL’s program director. She said the fair is meant to reward companies that have done business with her organization and give jobs to local residents. “The basic goal [of the fair] is to give back to the Tallahassee community and to our employees”, Palmer said.
JJL has worked over the last few months to spread word of the fair and to inform the community of the benefit of the event.
Palmer said the organization has received an “overwhelming” response from the local area. Based on the positive feedback given by the local work force, the organization is anticipating a strong turn out.
“We have done a lot of marketing for the event,” said Rockal Brown, a JJL retention counselor. “We’re expecting it to be such a great event.”
The organization and its staff are confident that the event will offer opportunities to local residents, helping them to network with major corporations.
While JJL is not guaranteeing on-site hiring, Liz Wilson, an employment specialist with JJL, said the event serves as “the first step toward an interview.” Wilson said the event will give people a chance to “make a face to face impression with companies.”
contact Steven Jumper at