FAMU police still know very few details about how a former school employee came to be arrested at the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
No trial date has been set for Alonzo Wright, a resident of Havana and the former stores/receiving manager for the college, who was arrested Sept. 16 for selling drugs without a prescription and dispensing drugs without a license. Police reports note that Wright sold the drugs from the Dyson Pharmacy Building.
It is unknown if the drugs were property of the college, officials said.
“That’s still under investigation,” said FAMUPD Lt. Louis Wichers of the criminal investigation division.
Henry Lewis III, dean of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, said several pharmaceutical companies donate medications to provide students with hands-on experience. He said since Wright’s arrest, the college has undertaken new measures to secure the drugs in supply.
“We make sure we inventory the drugs that come into the pharmacy department,” Lewis said. “We have implemented a very extensive inventory control system for the various donated medications.”
Wichers said Wright was the only person arrested for the crime and an investigation is ongoing. It is also unknown whether Wright was acting alone, Wichers said.
Wright resigned Sept. 29 after 17 years of being a university employee, school spokeswoman LaNedra Carroll said. The position of receiving manager has not been filled and Lewis said an advertised opening will appear soon.
FAMUPD officials were notified of suspicious activity involving Wright early in September, police reports said. An investigation was launched and, according to policec reports, Wright’s “suspicious activities were identified.”
Wichers said in an undercover sting operation set up by FAMU investigators, a woman who claimed to have a bladder infection bought pills from Wright for $10.According to Wichers, the investigation “is still ongoing, but it should be finished soon.”
Bobby Powell Jr. can be reached at bobbypowelljr@hotmail.com.