A student modeling troupe and a society of health students received Senate approval for their request for funds at the weekly SGA Student Senate meeting.
The Senate voted to allocate $2,500 to FACES Modeling Troupe to assist in the production of their Nov. 14 show. Future Public Health Professionals received $4,740 to cover various costs for a convention in San Francisco in November.
Since the bill’s introduction to the Senate a week ago, many senators have been taken aback by the steep cost of FACES’ request, which was $2,383.
“[FACES recent request] was the largest I’ve heard since being here,” said Senate President Michael Morton.
Despite the size of FACE’ request, Sen. Jo’Vion Greer said, “I guess some may consider the request as steep, but FACES provides its services to the SGA when asked.”
Rosie Wakana, of FACES Modeling Troupe, came before the senate and gallery and said the money would purchase a variety of props and materials for their November show. Many senators had questions about the prices of certain items, including plywood and body paints.
Senators questioned whether the show would be feasible without Senate funds.
“If FACES does not receive its request, will the show still be put on?” asked freshman Sen. Jasmine Blanks.
Wakana assured the Senate and gallery that the November event would still be held even without Senate funds.
Blanks and other senators attempted to narrow down the proposed budget request. The senators considered moving their vote on the issue to a later date, but due to the pending show, the Senate moved to vote. Representatives from FACES maintained that they would not be “picky” and would appreciate the senate’s help.
Later in the meeting, Hillary Kelly, a member of Future Public Health Professionals explained the dyer need that her organization had for their request. FPHP plans to attend the American Public Health Association Annual Conference next month. Kelly requested an additional $900 to purchase a room for two students, which was granted and included in the awarded amount.
Kelly discussed the rigorous schedules that convention participants will have while in San Francisco. The students will be required to meet with executives regarding both internships and graduate school. The senators commended Kelly and her organization for the benefits it has for young minorities interesting in public health.
During the voting portion of the meeting the senators seemed to have little issue with the request of the FPHP. When asked for their vote on the issue many senators responded, “I strongly support.”
Steven Jumper can be reached at jumpersoulrb@aol.com.