The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, environmental and humanitarian issues, and the needs of 3rd world countries are topics that concern the international community. Concerns understood by the Model United Nations Association.
MUNA is an organization that aims to promote international affairs through education, example and awareness.
According to the co-founder of the organization, Candace Kennedy, Florida A&M University’s branch of MUNA is three years old and the reason for establishing the organization was to inform students on global affairs.
“There are many international issues that affect us each semester, and this was the major reason for bringing this organization to our campus,” said Candace Kennedy, 22, a senior mathematical science student from Mobile, Alabama.
MUNA often sponsors seminars on international affairs and good work ethics for students.
According to the past Secretary Kevin Martin, the organization tries to encourage students to believe they are important to the university.
“We sponsor coaching seminars for students to work on presenting themselves at conferences and becoming leaders,” said Kevin Martin, 25, a senior political science and economics student from Hollywood.
Members of the organization would like more students to be aware of MUNA’s purpose.
“We would like to tap into the base of our student population and expose them to the organization,” Kennedy said. “We have a responsibility to promote international awareness here to the students.”
Although the organization is on the right path, it still faces some challenges.
According to an adviser for the organization, one challenge that faces MUNA is trying to revamp the organization.
“My challenge as an adviser is trying to get more African-American males to join MUNA,” said Karen A. Mitchell, one of three advisers Education Abroad Coordinator.
MUNA will be sponsoring a workshop for students to work on their professional image. The workshop, which will be held on Nov. 5 in Gibbs Hall at 7:30 p.m., will discuss topics such as dressing for success and business etiquette.
In the next five years, MUNA plans to be more active locally, nationally and internationally.
“I would like for the organization to be the spearhead of international awareness on campus along with other programs.”
“In the future, I would like for a national and international conference to be sponsored by FAMU with participants across the nation or even internationally.”
Teesa Johnson can be reached at