The sound of step teams representing their dorms as they display their skills, creativity and unity can mean only one thing. It’s time for the annual Dorm Step Show, one of FAMU’s biggest homecoming traditions. The show will be held, Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Gaither Gymnasium.
“This year, we expect a lot of originality and uniqueness,” said Shamika Baker 22, chair of the Dorm Step Show and a senior political science student from Lake City. “I am very excited about the up coming show.”
Baker has been chair of the dorm step show for the past three years.
Over the decades stepping has evolved into new styles, music genres and attention-grabbers. Step is a style of dance that uses rhythmic stomping and call and response to demonstrate unity, talent and organizational pride.
This year students can expect to be entertained by McGuinn/Diamond, TWC (Truth, Wheatley and Cropper), champions from 1996 through 2001, Paddyfote and G-Phi (Gibbs, Sampson and Young), champions of 2002. Palmetto North, Palmetto South and Phase Three will also compete at the show.
Palmetto North, Palmetto South and Phase III usually perform together, but this year they will compete against each other. The show will also include Essence Dance Theatre, Mahogony Dance Troupe and Boyz of Poison.
Each dorm has ten minutes to present their talent. They will be judged on performance, creativity, percussion and originality. The winners will receive trophies and a dorm pizza party.
Baker said the step show is a major event each homecoming, “The strong support of the Dorm Step Show is evident as each year we have 7,000 to 8,000 people in attendance.”