Pro-Creative Productions plans to give students in Tallahassee the opportunity to broadcast their talent through media productions.
The brainchild of the new student-run organization 21-year-old public relations student Krystal Lynn Cox, has future hopes of producing music videos for FAMU and localstudents as well as producing digital public service announcements for the student government. She said she believes FAMU’s campus is full of studentspossessing the ability to be successful in media productions.
“FAMU has a lot of dormant talent, and we are trying to awaken that,” Cox said
Though the organization has two documents left to submit to the office of student activities before becoming a registered campus organization, it has already accumulated 25 members.
One member of the group was glad to see the new organization started.
“It is a very good idea. It is a good start to get people interested in the industry,” said Ilinita Johnson, a Photography student from St. Martin, Netherlands Antilles.
Pro-Creative Productions will also be working on short films this semester. Theorganization is combining business and film to create an atmosphere for youngblack entrepreneurs to gain exposure in media production.
Students will be able to write scripts, have them edited and critiqued by acommittee of writers within the organization, then follow along in the production process. Each script will be taken through the technical aspects of production such as timing, filming, location scouting and casting.
So far the organization has been getting positive feedback from faculty membersincluding psychology professor Dana Dennard.
“The idea is great,” said Dennard, who plans to work with the group. “We needto try to be progressive in media. The media and film are very important insociety.” Currently the organization is mostly made of School of Journalism and GraphicCommunication students. Cox said she is looking for open-minded and respectfulstudents who have a passion for what they are doing because “no production canbe done alone.”
Interested students and faculty members can participate by attending aninterest meeting or e-mailing Krystal Lynn Cox at
Kalifa Hickinson can be reached at