I am Gordon Watts, alumni of FSU, and I would like to thank FAMU for allowing me to be on your news list, even though I am not a student.
Today, I write to express disappointment about the impeachment of your student body president, Larry Rivers. My perspective recalls the FSU student senate, seemingly constantly in some argument or other. The student senators usually tried to represent us, but the busy class and homework loads, combined with the crowded atmosphere of a large number of senators, resulted in arguments oftentimes.
While I empathize with student senator, Senator Brittani King’s enthusiasm for quality and excellence, I must side firmly with Mr. Rivers: If the student senator’s grades are up to par, even allowing for a temporary dip below the standard, then she must NOT be penalized for some technical glitch in the school’s computers, which have the grades but have not posted them. She has done her part in getting her grades up to par, so she should not be penalized for the computer glitch.
I hope to write your VP of student affairs, Patricia Green-Powell, and ask her to be fair in her ruling regarding Rivers’ impeachment, based on HIS actions, not based on some technical “quorum” issue of the student supreme court. We must always show our gratitude to God for giving us life, and one way to do that is to show fairness to our neighbor!
Oh, yeah, please let me slide with my letter in spite of its excess beyond 150 words: Since I don’t write often, I hope you have mercy or fairness to me, whichever is applicable, but, if you like, you may edit out this last paragraph, to make things flow better… or not. Either way, thank you for consideration of my letter to your editor, to whom I’m actually writing, since it is a letter to the editor!
Gordon Wayne Wattshttp://Gordon_Watts.Tripod.comGww1210@aol.com821 Alicia RoadLakeland, FL 33801-2113863.688.9880863.686.3411863.687.6141Peace.