To get rest and miss the party or not to get rest and go to the party-that is the question.
Days full of classes and nights full of studying and socializing, can take a toll on your body, and particularly your sleeping habits.
The truth is that many college students do not get enough sleep.
“A lot of people don’t sleep because there are so many things happening on campus,” said Eddie Frasier, 18, a freshman education major from Fort Lauderdale. “I get 4 to 5 hours of sleep on the average.”
Monique Brown-Potter, a health educator at FAMU’s health center, said that students between the ages of 18 and 19 need at least eight hours of sleep and young adults at age 21 should not get less than six.
Students who need alarms to wake up everyday are probably not getting enough sleep.
“If college students find themselves waking up with an alarm clock every morning then they are probably sleep deprived,” said Gregory Holt, director at the Tallahassee Sleep Diagnostic Center.
Daytime naps are not suggested for someone who is having trouble going to sleep.
“If you have trouble going to sleep you should not take a nap,” Dr. Holt said. “If you have no trouble going to sleep at night it’s alright to take a nap.”
Also, too much sleep can be harmful and signs of insomnia or depression
“On a normal course of a day you don’t want to sleep more than 12 to 13 hours because you will be more sleepy,” Brown-Potter said.
Holt advised people should go to bed with the idea of sleeping and nothing else.
“When you go to bed make sure there are no lights on. Don’t go to bed with the television on or with the idea to read,” Holt said.
Proper exercise and good eating habits can also affect sleeping habits of students.
“Exercise helps everything and it is recommended that you exercise 20 to 30 minutes every other day in terms of the college population,” Brown-Potter said.
Not eating the right foods can leave the body feeling tiresome.
“The reason for eating and wanting to sleep is because of the glucose level rising and making the body sluggish, especially when you eat sweets,” Brown-Potter said.
“If a student has trouble sleeping define the cause of why,” Brown-Potter said. “Regardless if it’s from anxiety or from a personal problem or exam, find and deal with the reason and try not to resort to sleeping pills.”
Sleep Tips:
Taken from the Tallahassee Sleep Diagnostic Center
1) Wake up at the same time each morning.
2) Vigorous exercise promotes deeper sleep
3) Block-out loud noises by wearing earplugs when going to sleep.
4) Sleep in a cool, but not cold room.
5) Eat a light bedtime snack.
6) Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening.
7) Do not stay in bed if you do not fall asleep within half an hour of going to bed.
8) Do not sleep longer than necessary to feel refreshed the next day
Written by: Ryanne Persinger