Welcome back, Rattlers! With the coming and going of the first two weeks of classes, the 2003-2004 school year has officially begun.
Whether you’re a new Rattler not yet initiated by a Homecoming game or a Kappa Luau weekend, or you’re an experienced fifth year senior awaiting the big “G” day, no one knows what this new year will bring.
Everyone says that your college years are the best years of your life. And for most of us they will be: if we put forth the effort. And I’m not talking about just hitting up every house party and club you can.
Getting the most out of your college experience involves moving outside of your comfort zone, talking to people you would have never considered talking to before, joining clubs you previously thought were for “dorks,” and choosing classes that you know will challenge you.
Too many people, myself included, settle for the same, old, comfortable routines. We prefer to hang out with the same people at the same spots.
While there’s nothing wrong with this, there’s not much right about it, either.
We oftentimes miss opportunities to become better people because we are so comfortable with who we are and what we’ve accomplished so far.
This year I challenge you, new and old Rattlers alike, to try something new and make this year the best of your college career.
Even if you don’t end up bungee jumping or eating eel sushi, don’t let this year go by without you testing your boundaries.
Make friends with the girl you thought was stuck up last year. Try out for the sports team you didn’t make in high school. If you’re shy and quiet, join the pep club.
Even if these ventures don’t work out for you, I guarantee that you will make many friends in the process.
Get involved, Rattlers, and don’t let this be the year you say, “I wish I had been a part of that.”
Marie Frasier, 20, is an English Education student from Columbus, Ohio. She is the Opinions Editor for The Famuan. She can be reached at famuanopinions@hotmail.com