No matter what obstacles stand in your way I truly that believe everyone needs a college education.
Many people worry that they can’t succeed in college. Sure, the curriculum is difficult, but with hard work it can be overcome. And don’t stress your grade point average, especially if you’re working as hard as possible and utilizing all resources.
Scholarships, grants and loans can lighten finances. Furthermore, don’t overlook junior college because there’s no shame in showing a devotion to wanting an education.
We all get discouraged and want to leave. We’re faced with a lot of drama at FAMU, and think, “why am I here?” I stayed, admittedly not by choice, but my degree is my reward.
College is more than a ticket to occupations and graduate school. It’s a symbol of strength and tenacity. Once you’re a senior, you’ve proven that you can break down all barriers.
Then, once you’ve proven you can survive papers, midterms, finals, and all that comes with college, show someone else they can.
Show the next generation they can be anything they wish. If you lead by example they will follow.
Students, there is a greater picture out there that we just cannot see right now. Although college pushes you to your limits, it also helps you evolve into a better person.
The majority of us seniors are not the same people we were when we first stepped on “The Hill.” But the change was for the better. We’ve become smarter, more mature individuals. Some of our goals, ideas, attitudes, and dreams have changed, and although we may not admit it, it’s due to attending FAMU.
So, to my fellow 2003 graduates, I say we rejoice in our first adult victory and rise to our next challenge- taking our newfound knowledge and applying it to our communities. Our people need us.
To my underclassmen, I ask that you tough it out, and when times get difficult, always remember to pray. God has you here for a reason, and soon he will bring it to fruition. Just wait patiently.
To the advisers and professors who’ve changed my life, thank you for what I’ve learned in and out of books.
I hope you all know who you are. To all my friends, acquaintances and associates: I wish you all love, success and happiness-even those I no longer keep in touch with.
There are great things in our futures and now is the time to find out what they are.
Tamika Randolph, 21 is a senior sociology and psychology student from Brooklyn. She can be reached at