Outside of the classroom, a host of student activities adds an important dimension to life at FAMU.
Frequently, activities are referred to as “extracurricular,” but here at FAMU, student activities are regarded as a part of the total education program. Students have the opportunity to get involved, to be a part of the overall campus atmosphere and to have a lot of fun along the way.
Student activities and programs are intended to stimulate our personal growth and development outside the classroom. They provide us the opportunity to supplement academic learning, sharpen leadership skills and actively participate in the process of planning and organizing programs and events.
FAMU offers a variety of free activities. The cost is included in your tuition, and they can consume as much or as little time as you prefer. Students can find clubs based on intramural sports, academic curricula, particular careers, ethnic identity, religion and even hometown.
Participation in one or more of approximately 70 student organizations on campus, allows you to meet other members of the university community, apply classroom concepts to real-life situations and of course, learn the importance of providing service to others.
Students who participate in campus activities usually are more satisfied with their college experience. When asked why they participate in campus activities, many students responded that they feel more a part of the college, and they enjoy meeting other students and developing their leadership abilities.
If you go to the office of student activities in the Student Union room 1200, you will be sure to find something that fits your needs. They offer formals, concerts, and lectures on contemporary issues, among other things.
Students decide to participate in activities for a variety of reasons-making new friends, giving back to the community, exploring values or investigating career options.
Get involve and participate. It’s free. And it looks great on your resume.
Kaye Dallas is a senior public relations student from Miami. She is the Copy Desk Chief for the Famuan. She can be reached at kayedallas@yahoo.com