The Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday regarding two cases against the University of Michigan and its admissions policies.
The issues: affirmative action, diversity, equal opportunity and integration. Irony loomed in the courtroom as the exact issues seemed to plague the superior judicial establishment.
The Supreme Court is made up of nine justices, six white men, two white women and one “black” man. It is one of this country’s least diverse governmental establishments.
How can an institution infected with one disease attempt to cure that same disease in another body?
The entire issue is paradoxical in itself.
Stephen Henderson of Knight Ridder Newspapers said it best: the diversity of the United States’ supreme judicial body reflects the continuing struggle of minorities in this country. It also justifies the necessity of affirmative action in workplaces and institutions of higher education.
If black people were equally represented at universities throughout the country there would be no need for affirmative action, or even historically black colleges and universities.
America’s goal of equality is still a dream. The reality is black people are disproportionately represented in all aspects of American society.
Blacks must work twice as hard as their white counterparts to get to equal positions in society. Few things are equal in America’s politically corrupted society.
Until another policy is enacted to guarantee equal opportunity and therefore black influence in the overall American society, affirmative action policies need to remain in place.
Elizabeth Broadway for The Famuan