No one is perfect.
Neither are the SGA Election Codes.
The codes need to be revised every semester to update changes and avoid ambiguity.
As difficult as it is, every code needs to be followed. Otherwise, it must be deleted.
The Famuan had to ask for a copy of the codes, even though Chapter 601.2, Article B Section 7 mandates the distribution of the codes to student media.
In this copy, some statutes were circled and others were scratched out with hand-written corrections above it.
Then of course, there is the 30 points situation for violating certain codes. After candidates acquire 30 points, their case goes before the Electoral Commission who ultimately decides if the result is disqualification.
If 30 points is the maximum, then just disqualify candidates after they accumulate these points.
The allowance for a discussion only allows bias to interfere.
Bias and unspoken rules aren’t the only enemies of the election codes. Ambiguity also flows through their veins.
Chapter 601.2 Article B Section 14 mandates that the commission organize a Candidate Rally.
Ever heard of a Candidate Rally?
The most unclear statute is Chapter 602.4 Article C, which discusses ballots. “Disqualified ballots shall be counted.”
Counted toward what?
Chapter 604 Article C Section 3 definitely needs to be updated. It talks about the “contestment/appeal process,” but never mentions the possibility of the candidates acquiring their own legal counsel.
To avoid ambiguity, the election codes and processes should be updated and redistributed every semester.
If this process is implemented it will aid in the communication between the Electoral Commission and future candidates.
Election codes should also appear on FAMU letterhead to show that together they constitute an official document. Revision dates are a necessity, so students know they aren’t reading codes from two or three years ago.
Without a doubt, the codes must be available on
Anything else is unprofessional.
Danielle Wright for The Famuan