To Editor:
I am an alumnus of FAMU as of April 2002. I’m in school at G-Tech and I read the FAMUAN online to see what’s going back at FAMU. I see there are a lot of anti-war opinions at FAM, and well deserved. Maybe it’s because Tallahassee is a small town and no one’s going to hit it with anything. I work in downtown Atlanta, and I sincerely would not like to have a bomb go off at North and Centennial. I don’t like Bush as much as the next brother, but I, Don Taylor, do not sit on any briefings. I do not have any real facts about which I can make hardcore claims that Bush just wants to slaughter the innocent, etc. Then again, if a nuke were to touchdown at the corner of 10th and Peachtree, everyone would be saying that Bush should have gone after Iraq, including my dead soul. You can’t wait to get shot to see if the guy has bullets in that gun. It’s a catch-22, so just *gasp* trust your government. I just wish there was a way to change the government officials that we don’t like or want in power and get Bush along with his evil cohorts out of power. Oh wait a minute, I have an idea, VOTE!!!!
Don Taylor, IIIDonald_taylor_3@hotmail.comFirst Year Ph.D. Candidate at Georgia Institute of TechnologyFAMU Graduate Spring 2002.