Students and faculty representing all areas of FAMU filled the senate chambers to lobby for senate approval of proposed budget allocations for the 2003-2004 school year.
Julian White, director of bands, pleaded with senators to approve his request for funding to purchase new instruments.
“The instruments are just old and have out-lived their 10-12 year life,” White said. “They have held up for as long as they can.”
When questioned about a $100,000 donation by attorney Willie E. Gary, White said, “The money given by Gary would be disbursed over 10 years.”
He added that those monies were allotted specifically for band operations and not instruments.
White informed the senate that the band had nowhere else to turn. He reiterated the band’s purpose was to serve as a recruitment tool for the university.
Robert Carroll Jr., director of Campus Recreation, was also on hand seeking financial support from the senate. Carroll is requesting funds to create an office manager position for his department. Up to this point campus recreation has been functioning in this capacity with the help of students and volunteers.
“We need this support staff,” Carroll said. “It has to be someone anchored, not here today gone tomorrow.”
Carroll added that funding for this position is needed so that campus recreation can better serve FAMU.
Not everyone who addressed the senate was in favor of increasing or allocating funds to certain student organizations. During the judicial report, solicitor general Veronica Gray, urged senators to use their power to deny The Famuan additional funding because of their inability to accurately report the news.
Gray suggested that The Famuan’s disclosure of an election affidavit was “detrimental to the judicial branch.”
Gray was referring to an excerpt from an affidavit printed in the March 5 edition of The Famuan. The excerpt contained quotes from the written confession of Lauren Darensbourg, a former campaign worker for sophomore attendant candidate Kim Brown.She said that such mishandling of private information should not be tolerated.
The senate conditionally approved the proposed budget for 2003-2004 and it is currently in the hands of SGA president Andre Hammel, who will make any necessary changes.
After the revisions have been made, the budget will be given to President Fred Gainous, who will render the final decision. Bill 353 of the student senate outlines the aforementioned as proper procedure and protocol for budget allocation.
Other organizations lobbying for financial support were the Presidential Ambassadors and Strikers.