The executive branch of SGA does more than students may realize.
SGA president Andre Hammel and vice president Tisa Holley oversee with the executive branch’s nine departments to ensure that students’ needs are met.
Holley said she encourages anyone who has any complaints about campus issues such as housing or transportation to turn to the executive branch.
“Use us,” Holley said.
“Bring your problems to the executive branch. If you have a problem talking, a solution won’t happen.”
Many activities have been sponsored by or in conjunction with the executive branch, including shuttles to Wal-Mart, socials, voter registration drives, a Bright Futures rally and “Wake-Up Wednesday,” where speakers like Curtis Richardson and an aid from Sen. Al Lawson’s office spoke about the importance of voting.
Freshman class vice president Yvette Wilmoth said she is “extremely pleased” with the executive branch’s services.
“The executive branch has embraced us and made every effort to make sure that the students here at Florida A&M University are happy with what is done not only by the e-branch but of every branch of SGA,” she said.
“Really and truly, I can’t think of any area that they need to improve.”
Students like Kim Mitchell, 18, a math education student from Jupiter, said although FAMU is not perfect, credit should be given where it is due.
“There are still a lot of things that need to be done,” Mitchell said, “but we did get more Blue Lights. I give them credit for that.”
“There is always room for improvement,” said e-branch member Kimberly King, director of student lobbying. “This semester is better than the last and hopefully next semester will be better than this one.”
Brandon Oliver can be reached at