Whether it is economically, educationally or socially, it seems that we have lost all consciousness when it pertains to the black community?
As I walk around campus I often hear people talk of what clubs they’ll be attending on the weekend, what they’re going to wear this season and various issues that are left for the superficial. This angers me greatly.
It’s been brought to my attention that because we attend an HBCU, we’ve become lazy in our mentality. It’s evident in the way some student organizations on campus are managed. It’s evident in how everything involved with this campus has some type of politics.
Where do we stand?
I am grateful that I attend an HBCU. However, I feel that if I attended a white university to further my education, I would feel more inclined to embrace my heritage and my culture because I’d have to fight for my identity.
We’ve gotten accustomed to seeing the same familiar faces, which we’ve forgotten what our purpose is.
There are issues in the black community that need to be addressed or could be changed by students.
Instead of sitting around and complaining about making a change, why is it so hard for us to get up and do something about it?
Racism still exists. We’ve become so used to being within our own environment that we’ve forgotten this.
We’ve forgotten that the issues that affect the FAMU community still affect us as well.
Why is it that FAMU DRS sits on a college campus, yet in the past its students have had very low FCAT scores? We should play some role in their improvement.
What are we doing, Rattlers? It’s time that we stand up and be counted. It’s time we stop concentrating only on campus elections, football classics and what people are wearing on the set, and start taking an active role.
We need to extend a helping hand to residents of Frenchtown and other areas within the community.
If what I see in my fellow classmates is any reflection of what’s going to propel the black nation forward … we’ve got a lot of time to make up for.
Aricka M. Foreman, 19, is a sophomore magazine production student from Detroit. She is an assistant news editor for The Famuan. She can be reached at Aricka_Foreman@hotmail.com.