On Feb. 25, a run-off election will be held for not one, not two, but three city commission seats, including the Mayoral race.
In the race for mayor, current City Commissioner John Paul Bailey and local attorney John Marks will face off again. The two have met for several debates since Feb. 4 leading up the run-off election.
In the Seat 3 position, incumbent Debbie Lightsey looks to add to her 14-year service record at that post, by holding off her challenger, FAMU economics professor, Anthony Viegbesie.
In Seat 2, recent FAMU graduate Andrew Gillum will take on Mayo Woodward.
Gillum, who has been pressed during the campaign to assure voters that his age doesn’t hinder his qualifications, addressed the issue publicly two weeks ago at a community forum held at Bethel AME Church.
“If I’m old enough to drink, old enough to go to jail and old enough to pay my own utilities,” Gillum said, “… I’m certainly old enough to represent nearly 50,000 people just like me.”
As the run-off election date nears, candidates will soon find out what’s in store for their political careers. And they’ll know whether the morning after will be time for a celebration or a concession speech.