The Famuan thrives on feedback. That’s why staff members went out on the Set soliciting opinions on your paper.
Some of your answers were hilarious.
One person said their favorite section was classifieds. Another person said they would change the price. Yet another person said in order to make the paper better, we should “make it look better.”
That’s all right. I guess students will do anything for a free doughnut.
Those of you with something to say didn’t waste your time though. Actually 96 percent of those surveyed said The Famuan is a good source of news. That’s good to know.
The Famuan strives to report the news factually and accurately. That’s not always pleasing to political entities, but we are not here to serve as a public relations agent. It’s a common misconception that we should not print negative articles on our illustrious university. Illustrious as it may be, news is news.
We owe it to the students and faculty of FAMU as well as the Tallahassee community to report on things of importance. Still, feedback revealed that students would like to see more articles about controversial issues, political views, school improvements, high schools, organizations doing community service, entertainment news and faculty news.
I’m glad that students want to know about their campus and community. It means that the need for The Famuan is alive and well. It means that if something were to happen to The Famuan, students would fight for its existence. It means that the handful of students who slave away to give the student body a quality paper, are really doing their job.
If in the next few weeks you don’t see us doing more articles on these topics, then e-mail us at You can also write Letters to the Editor online at our web site, www.the
Some other students suggested that we practice harder editing, provide a weekly comic strip, solicit more advertisements and increase availability around campus.
All of these things are possible, but we need your help. The people, who spot mistakes in the paper, might be candidates for copy editors. The artists, who wish there were more outlets for their creativity, might enjoy drawing the comic strip. The business-minded, go-getters might be interested in selling ads for us.
Who knows, by filling a need in your campus newspaper you might find a new career.
Danielle Wright, 24, is a senior theatre student from London, England. She is Editor in Chief for The Famuan. She can be reached at