FAMU lacks an efficient recycling program. Everyday the university discards materials that could be recycled to preserve the environment. Our university goes through reams of paper regularly. Instead of reusing the materials, they are thrown into the dumpsters along with other rubbish.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that American residents, businesses and institutions generate about 210 million tons of garbage every year.
Using recycled rather than raw materials to manufacture goods not only saves space in landfills but also reduces costs, pollution and the use of energy and natural resources.
The city of Tallahassee has a recycling program. Florida State University has a recycling program. Yet, FAMU has failed to begin one.
The EPA estimated that between October 1992 and March 2002, Tallahassee residents recycled more than 37 thousand tons of paper. It’s too bad FAMU is not included in that number.
The EPA calls recycling “one of the best environmental success stories of the 21st century.” However, while the conservation potential is tremendous and recycling rates have nearly doubled in the past 15 years, FAMU has yet to step into the 21st century.
Paper is one of the two highly recyclable materials that make up more than 50 percent of waste in U.S. landfills.
FAMU discard paper everyday for various reasons. Sometimes we throw away paper that is copied incorrectly or when too many copies are made.
If, and when we start a recycling program, pickup sites should be located near every building, that way no one will have an excuse to not recycle. There certainly should be a pick up area near the copy center. Many universities have successful recycling programs. We can have the same. Warren Wilson College in Asheville, N.C., recently built a new “Eco-Dorm” from recycled materials. The dorm has solar fuel cells to convert energy to electricity. This is clear evidence of how far behind we are on the road to recycling in this century.
The day that FAMU creates an eco-dorm will be amazing. It would mean the university is concerned about the environment and wants to improve its status.
The university needs to provide a recycling program for its students and faculty. A recycling program would give us an opportunity to turn concern into positive action.
Dominique Drake, 18, is a freshman business student from Cleveland. She is the Deputy Opinions Editor. She can be reached at ddidis1@aol.com.