In November 2002, FAMU welcomed Ambassador Sylvia Stanfield to serve as diplomat-in-residence. The university is one of only 14 colleges in the nation to host a diplomat -in-residence.
Stanfield is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service and the former ambassador to Brunei Dar es Salaam, a country in Southeast Asia. She now works with the Office of Technology Transfer and International Programs in the Division of Sponsored Research. Dr. Rose Glee, director of international programs, said she is an expert in her field.
“She comes with expertise and experience in the field of Foreign Service. She knows the information that is available to us and she has valuable networks in Washington that can provide additional materials if needed, “Glee said.
“Stanfield’s presence extends FAMU’s programming to another dimension.”
Stanfield said she selected FAMU because it had the “most talented students from all fields of study.”
Stanfield feels that these students are ready for new experiences.
“We want to diversify our program by reaching communities that have not had people go to the Foreign Service and prepare students to work in one of the most fascinating fields in the world.”
Director of Public Affairs, LeNedra Carroll hopes that students will take advantage of having Stanfield at FAMU.
“Since she has traveled to many countries, she has experience in international relations, diplomacy and economics. It would be a shame for students not to take advantage of such a gem on our campus.”
When Carroll learned of Stanfield’s coming to FAMU, she thought it would create great opportunities for students.
Stanfield will compliment the International Programs Office while also advising students at the Career Center on how to be successful on the Foreign Service exam and informing them of jobs in Foreign Affairs.
Stanfield commented that,
“A lot of students look to domestic jobs whereas many have never considered all that a career in Foreign Affairs would have to offer.
“There are a great variety of fields to choose from including, but not limited to Administration, Consular Affairs, Information Resource Management and Public Diplomacy.”
For more information about the Foreign Service or Civil Service internship opportunities, visit Ambassador Stanfield in the International Programs Office located at 1540 S. Adams St. Suite I.