Low funds can quickly end any hopes of New Year shopping sprees for the college student. However, with a little inside information, students can shop till they drop and stay with in their budget.
Jacqueline Wright, Burdines sales specialists at Governor’s Square Mall, advises students with limited funds to check the clearance racks first.
“Try to buy stuff that is classic, such as Capri pants, which are always around and always buy lots of black,” Wright added.
Wright recommends that students visit stores like Burdines, Sears and J.C. Penny for stylish but less expensive styles.
Most male shoppers have little trouble finding what they want to wear while remaining within a budget.
“Guys have it easier,” Wright said. “Guys can always be in style with simple denim jeans and any type of white shirt.”
Tony Hayden, an assistant manager for Foot Locker at Governor’s Square Mall agrees with Wright that men can easily find inexpensive but good-looking clothes.
” [Guys] can rock anything like a jersey, $20 sweats and nice shoes and look good,” Hayden said.
Hayden advises shoppers to only purchase clothing that is reasonably priced to ensure it won’t overwhelm their finances.
“Go ahead and find what’s affordable,” he said. “Why spend so much money on a Sean John shirt, when it will take weeks to make up the money spent for it?”
Tina Walker, an education graduate student from Atlanta, advises shoppers to avoid faddish clothing. Instead, classic clothing will help you avoid worrying about staying with the fashion trends.
“If you are on a budget, you don’t need to buy faddish things. It doesn’t make sense to buy what is in style at that moment and a few weeks later it isn’t in style. If you have to spend more money on something, make sure it is multifunctional,” Walker said.
Students should also check other bargain stores such as: Marshall’s, TJ Max, Ross, and Goodwill shops.
Remember to always set your budget by what you have right now and not by what you may have in the future. Don’t be a slave to each passing trend. Instead, be comfortable and be yourself!