The person selected as the vice president of student affairs, is expected by many
students to be visible and personable.
Although this person is usually familiar with student leaders,
that is not enough.
“The person selected needs to be familiar with the entire student body,” said Erin Barnes, 20, a junior occupational therapy student from Atlanta.
Barnes also said the person chosen for this position should be visible to the students and needs to interact regularly with students.
The vice president of student affairs is expected by students to fulfill many obligations. Some of these obligations include visiting the dorms to interact with residents, attending student organizational meetings to see what students are interested in and even is expected by students to fulfill many obligations. Some of these obligations include visiting the dorms to interact with residents, attending student organizational meetings to see what students are interested in and even having receptions to interact with students.
“It is important for the vice president of student affairs to remember their assigned job. By doing this students will be more apt to converse with them when things of great relevance come about,” said Rennair Baker, 20, a junior computer information systems student from St. Petersburg.
As the search continues for a vice president of student affairs, some students feel the candidates should have the opportunity to express their goals and intentions to the
student body.
“The candidates should talk to the students and let them know as a group, what they have to look forward to in a vice president of student affairs,” said Princess Davis, 20, a junior business administration student from Daytona Beach.
Davis also said these concerns should be considered by President Gainous when the time comes for the final selection to be made.