Choices made prior to graduation will affect future career opportunities. Such is the case for Melvin Carter.
Carter is a 2001 FAMU graduate business student. He now attends the University of Michigan as a graduate student. Carter studies public policy and hopes to become a minister.
Because he worked hard while in school, Carter said, “I feel more than adequately prepared for my studies.
While an engineering student at FAMU, 2001 graduate Eddie Cochran learned specific skills that have helped him on his job. Cochran is a regional engineer with Progress Energy.
“In my senior year one of my professors brought the course Power System Analysis into the curriculum,” he said. “This course helped me determine what industry I wanted to be in,” he said.
The course grabbed his attention and he got a thorough understanding of his career choice during the semester.
At times graduates may be unsure which direction to pursue–grad school or the workforce. Sometimes other people can help students make this choice.
Jason Varner, a 2001 graduate of Benedict College with a degree in business, is an assistant football coach at St. Paul’s College in Virginia. In college he was on the football team.
Upon graduation he was unsure which direction to pursue. So he decided not to rush in either direction.
His former coach spoke highly of him to a coach at St. Paul’s College, and that’s how he got the job there.
While this is not the job in his field, he has a chance to make contacts that will help him later.
“Networking is very important,” Varner said.
Students sometimes can create their own networking opportunities. Jennifer Engram, a 1999 FAMU graduate with a degree in accounting, is an accounts payable associate for Home Depot. She found her chance at a job fair.
“I heard about an NAACP job fair held in Atlanta on the radio,” she said.
Engram attended the job fair and signed up for an interview with Home Depot. She liked Home Depot’s culture, benefits and career opportunities.
Being aware of opportunities and researching companies that recruit on FAMU’s campus will boost chances of landing a job offer upon graduation, according to Arnett W. Moore.
Moore is an assistant director at the FAMU Career Center. Moore said it is important for FAMU students to use the Career Center services.
“About 70 percent of former students who utilized the Career Center are now in the workforce,” Moore said.
In addition, he said that many corporations that recruit students are headquartered elsewhere.
“A vast majority of college students do not want to stay in Tallahassee after graduation,” he said.