Don’t get spent on holiday gift buying

Being a college student brings a new meaning to the phrase, “it’s the thought that counts.”

The majority of students are living on little or no budget.

Creativity is a must when it comes to giving gifts to family and friends on special events and holidays.

“I do what I can for my family,” said Sybil Fisher, a senior criminal justice student from West Palm Beach, “but times get rough and you have to find different ways to do things.”

There are other means of giving gifts that count, said Fisher.

Gifts that are well thought out are appreciated more according to Marcus Davis, a freshman from Baltimore, Md.

“It’s like when you brought a mug home from art in school (for your mom),” Davis said, “Moms was just happy you were thinking about her.”

When money is available one might consider taking advantage of stores that offer various forms and combinations of little gifts that are inexpensive.

For example, Walgreen’s offers a selection of cards and gifts for a low price.

Kim White, a cashier at Walgreen’s, said “students come in here all the time trying to get things at the last minute and don’t have hardly any money to spend at all.”

Stores that are open late are also convenient for last minute gifts.

Talisha Simmons, a sophomore economics student from Hollywood, Fla., suggests not ruling out the possibility of the Dollar Store.

These stores offer a variety of items at a low cost.

“You can get a few things from The Dollar Store and make gift bags,” Simmons explained.

She also believes this practice shows off a person’s creative side.

Other alternatives are to make something yourself.

Many computers are now equipped with programs that allow people to make greeting cards with a very personal touch.

But who says that a gift has to be traditional?

Writing a well thought out and heart felt letter might be just as good as buying one thing out of a store.

“One time I gave a girlfriend of mine a five page letter that let her know just how I felt about her,” said Eric Dennis, a junior computer information systems student from Orlando.

“She cried for about ten minutes.”

Gift giving might be a challenge for most college students, but giving a gift that is close to the receiver’s heart is a good way to ensure that whatever you give will be worth the time and money.