My untimely death comes swiftly
I can feel it
snatching everything from me and what my gift is.
A quotient of a twisted divide
My backbone of life is splitting right at the spine.
The summation of an unreached destination
unanswered questions for the quest I’m facin’.
So many days past
on this pragmatic path I have
Days I left never promised
so much time squandered, demolished
The essence of my Ebony existence ends like a fragmented sentence
haulted by a petulant period.
But as my tormented soul rises
there are no more surprises, disguises
to break the beat of my heart, so frightened.
Elated I am now
parting the perfectly puffy clouds
peering into the souls through eyes of my anguished ancestors.
This disease of a humanly body no longer festers
I am home.