I was infuriated by Theo Wilson’s flawed ideologies concerning SBI. While SBI is not without its own flaws, to say that “Students are brainwashed” and that SBI students are “taught how not to be themselves so the boss won’t feel threatened by their ethnicity,” is incorrect, unjust, and plainly ignorant. From an academic perspective, Mr. Wilson further demonstrates his ignorance by stating that SBI’s curriculum should focus 100% on entrepreneurship; not 80%, or even 60%, but 100%. What he doesn’t realize is that many SBIans go on to be successful in their own entrepreneurial endeavors, or successful in the corporate career they have chosen based on the academic teachings and internship experience of the SBI curriculum. Mr. Wilson has perhaps read one issue too many of “The Boondocks,” and needs to focus on the successes of a BLACK business school instead of trying to cast stones.
Gary Norman, II5th year MBA Student 1240 Conkln Street Apt. FTallahassee, Florida 32310850-577-9397