The entire black television viewing audience knew Tavis Smiley as the host of Black Entertainment Television’s nighttime talk show, “BET Tonight.”
Some people can remember watching the show, completely agreeing or disagreeing with his views and the way he guided the topics. And then all of sudden he was fired.
Who really knows why he was let go? It was never important until Ed Gordon became the replacement and the black community truly began to miss Smiley.
Now fast forward to the present and find Smiley moving on to new projects. His latest book “Keeping the Faith” proves he has not only moved on, but has gained some perspective since his loss.
One could call this novel “Chicken Soup for the Souls of Black Folk,” but that would definitely take away from the hard work that obviously went into each story.
With the help of a few famous writers and everyday people from the black community, Smiley has attempted to provide accounts of “love, courage, healing and hope” for black people.
After reading the opening passage, one could find him/herself nodding in agreement, as one might do in church. This will be a guaranteed, good reading experience.
The writers tell the reader to “run on anyhow,” how to deal with death, divorce, love lost, terminal illness and homelessness, to name a few.
A common theme in the stories is “each one, teach one.” These successful people have learned how to not only struggle and triumph, but also how to help someone else reach that same level of success.
With all the drama, and turmoil that is plaguing black communities and the country, this book comes at the perfect time.
Some of these writers have truly poured their hearts out in order for each reader to gain something valuable.
“It is my hope that the stories…will inspire you to keep the faith no matter…”
Smiley has taken a big step toward empowering the black community. He has made it his responsibility to be a dependable and respected leader in the public eye.
BET’s loss has become our gain.