Journey magazine will celebrate the release of its fall issue with a launch party today at noon on the Set.
The afternoon’s activities will correspond with article topics. For instance, there will be a freestyle contest to highlight an article on the future of hip-hop and a FAMU quiz-show to go with the article “Test Your FAMU I.Q.”
The purpose of the event is to spark interest in the magazine, said Journey managing editor, Chris Mattox, 22, a senior newspaper journalism student from Fort Lauderdale.
Readers can also look forward to articles on financial empowerment, black businesses and fashion.
“We’re really excited about this issue,” said Journey editor-in-chief Tieler Giles, 21, a senior public relations student from Columbia, S. C.
“We have a really diverse group of students working on Journey this year.”
Journey magazine debuted in 1984 as a student-operated campus magazine. It’s scheduled to come out four times each school year.
“We worked really hard,” said Journey staff member Jessica Sattler, 22, a senior newspaper student from Tampa.
“We’re dedicated to putting out four issues a year and we hope people will like it.”