Students from central and South Florida now have a cheaper, faster and more comfortable way to travel home on holidays and weekends.Tallahassee to Miami to Tallahassee Transport, a subsidiary of Gainesville to Miami to Gainesville, provides charter buses to Gainesville, Orlando, Miami and other cities.Hilda Posada, the office manager at TMT Transport said the new bus route was added due to an increase of requests from South Florida students.”We heard that a lot of students at FSU and FAMU had family down in South Florida that they would like to visit more,” Posada said. The TMT is cheaper and faster than Greyhound Lines Inc., which charges $109 for round trips and takes 11 hours to arrive in Miami. One-way trips and round trips to Gainesville are $45. All other round-trip fares are $70. TMT arrives in Miami in eight hours.”If you look at what you have to pay in tolls and gas, it’s a good deal,” said Operations Manager Jose Posada.Hilda Posada said movies are shown on the bus to create a relaxed environment throughout the travel.”Students can also study or talk to students from other schools,” Posada said.Kimani Gopaul, 19, a sophomore mechanical engineering student from West Palm Beach, said riding with students make the trip home more fun.”I think it’s a good alternative for someone who drives home alone,” he said. “After about three hours, the ride gets lonesome.The bus leaves from FSU’s Campbell Stadium Gate E every Friday at 2 p.m. and arrives in Miami at 10:30 p.m. The bus leaves Miami Sunday and is scheduled to arrive in Tallahassee at 10:30 p.m.Family members and friends are also welcomed to ride TMT if they’re accompanied by students, Hilda Posada said.Students can buy tickets Wednesdays in the Oglesby Union at FSU between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Students may also purchase tickets at Campbell Stadium anytime before the bus leaves depending on availability but are encouraged to buy their tickets early.