Welcome, welcome, welcome to the 2002-2003 school year. The Famuan’s Opinion section is seeking not only writers, but plumbers, painters, electricians, accountants and just some regular Joes with a bit of common courtesy.
Although the positions are unpaid, we could truly use your assistance.
With a new staff that included the likes of the professionals mentioned above, maybe I can get an inside scoop on exactly why it’s so hard to get the garish neon purple and green 70s characters painted over in Tucker Hall. Then maybe I can get an understanding of why it takes outside construction one month to put up an entire apartment complex, but the wonderful engineers that FAMU hired have, in 5 months, constructed little more than a large pile of dirt and several road blocks.
A couple of electricians could help grasp why our electricians have so trouble changing the light bulbs in the campus buildings, and a couple of plumbers would sure be helpful the next time only one shower head works on the entire third floor of the girls side in Paddyfote.
In addition to all of this, I am not a mathematician, so an accountant could sure help me understand why this past spring semester my class did not have enough ScanTrons to take a test, but Fred Gainous is the highest paid college president in Florida.
And last but not least, maybe some regular Joes with a little bit of common courtesy could help me understand why it is so hard to be employed by the financial aid office and not have an attitude.
All in all, we are always accepting applications for writers, but if you also have any of the aforementioned skills or know someone who does, by all means, stop by the Famuan office, 309 Tucker Hall. Your input is important to us, too
Bridget Nance, 21, is a junior public relations student from Fairfax, Va. She is The Famuan’s Opinions editor. She can be reached at famuanopinions@hotmail.com.