New leader of FAMU, Fred Gainous, stresses commitment to customer service and students.
Gainous, former chancellor of the Alabama State College System, is a 1969 FAMU graduate.
There are mixed opinions of expectations and views of what Gainous has done and will do.
Randall Hanna, member of the board of trustees, said Gainous has an “energetic and excited” spirit when it comes to the future of the university.
“President Gainous has a strong interest in the well being of the students. Every decision is based on students,” Hanna said.
“He’s committed to the mission of the university-that focus on students with the combined love for the institution will make him an excellent president.”
With Gainous making decisions based on students, faculty members said they may feel abandoned.
“I expect him to do what we hoped he would do-provide faculty resources. He never said anything about faculty resources,” said Bill Tucker, a physics professor and president of Faculty and Professional Workers.
“We get a lot of money for research and it doesn’t go to the faculty. Faculty members have overcrowded classes, no supplies, no opportunity to travel.”
Tucker said that Florida State University faculty members’ salaries are 25 percent higher than FAMU faculty during the summer sessions.
“We’re expected to teach more than anyone else for less money,” he said.
Tucker said he wants “professionalism to return” when the administration deals with its faculty members.
“We want to be treated as professionals-not indentured servants. We want to be treated like the faculties at other schools are treated,” Tucker said.
“We want Gainous to take care of the administration he inherited.”
Angela Jones-McCall, 19, a sophomore general studies student from Minneapolis, thinks that President Gainous needs to address his plans to the student body.
“I think he should come out and speak to the students. He needs to say what he wants to do and how he plans on doing it,” she said.