After an initial week of school, the introduction to the monotonous trail from cramped dorm room to crowded classroom depletes the average freshman’s enthusiasm for the college experience. “Everybody needs something to do after class besides eat, eat, eat, TV, TV, TV,” said Marvin Green, campus recreation intramural coordinator. “What are you doing for the mind, body and soul?” For students feeling stranded on the Hill, Campus Recreation offers intramural sports, fitness programs and a host of outdoor activities as healthy outlets from the daily academic grind. Whether dunking on a trash-talking friend during 3-on-3 basketball season or sky diving over Quincy on a warm autumn afternoon, the options are vast for the adventuresome freshman. Green estimated 900 out of 3,000 incoming freshmen during the 2001 fall semester participated in one of the activities offered by his department. He is optimistic that new wrinkles this fall, with a league pitting dorm against dorm in competition for a Director’s Cup, will further increase student involvement. “I think it will be similar to the excitement generated by the dorm step show,” Green said. Flag football, 3-on-3 basketball, swimming, soccer, softball and volleyball are among the sports offered for intramural competition. For students interested in staying fit, classes ranging from basic step aerobics to kickboxing meet at set times throughout the week. A new fitness coordinator, Geinam Lim, left nearby Florida State University and began work at FAMU in January. Green called Lim “one of the best in the nation at what he does.” The student body’s demands for a variety of sports, clubs and outdoor activities necessitates a high degree of flexibility on the part of Robert Carroll, campus recreation director. Carroll stressed that his department is open to forming additional clubs and providing activities not currently on the schedule. “Whatever the masses demand, we deliver,” Carroll said. Carroll added that students can walk into his office and make a verbal request to form a new club. To expand the space available for recreation activities, construction on a new fitness and recreation center is scheduled to begin this year at the corner of Osceola and Wahnish. Phase one of construction includes a rock-climbing wall Carroll touted as the center’s “marquee attraction” and the closest thing to the Himalayas in Tallahassee, as well as a 3500 square foot aerobics studio. Information on activities, schedules and entry dates can be found in the Student Union Building room 112. Campus recreation is funded through Activity and Service Fees as allocated by the FAMU Student Senate.