The mission of the C. C. Cunningham Career Center is to assist students, undergraduate and graduate, and alumni of FAMU in obtaining permanent jobs, co-op positions and internships, as well as part-time and summer work experience. In order to enhance the skills needed to be competitive in the workplace, The Career Center provides activities such as workshops, seminars and videotapes. Through such career enhancing activities, students learn skills that prepare them for interviewing purposes including resumes, letters of application, letters of job offers and letters regarding plant visits. Once students register with the career center, career counselors work with them one-on-one to assist them develop their strategies for reaching their career aspirations. One of The Career Center’s biggest corporate networking events is the Career Exposition. Approximately 250 employers with over 600 representatives participate in the Fall Career Expo. There are approximately 3,000 students of all majors and classifications who participate in this event. The FAMU Career Center has a strict policy concerning attending interviews. It is the policy of the Career Center that all students seeking placement services or other services of the center be registered. The student is requested to sign up for interviews during free hours. No excused cuts will be issued to the student for the purpose of being interviewed. Students who sign up for interviews are expected to keep their appointments. Failure to keep an appointment or canceling less than two full working days prior to an interview will be considered a “no-show”. When a first no-show occurs, the student will be prevented from interviewing. Anyone interested in registering with the Career Center can do so by following these five simple steps. Come by The Career Center to register and obtain the school’s password. All students are required to attend one of the orientations workshops sponsored by The Career Center’s staff. The workshop will clear up any misconceptions you may have regarding the center. Develop your resume utilizing a word processing program. After developing your resume, bring a copy to The Career Center to be critiqued. It is imperative that your registration process be complete within the first three weeks of the fall and spring semesters. Obtain a Student Contract from the center, which explains what your obligations are to The Career Center in exchange for the privilege of utilizing the center’s services. Once all of the above requirements have been met, you are eligible to utilize the services of The Career Center. Tips for an Effective ResumeBe honest and accurate. This is the first place an employer can evaluate your integrity. There is no such thing as one resume style. Your resume style should fit you and your area of study (e.g., graphic design versus banking).Know that the recipient is very busy and unsure about who is perfect for the job. Your resume must clearly communicate your skills on the first glance, if it is even to be read at all.Select the proper format. For most college students, the chronological format works best. Because the prospective employer or screener reads the top half of your resume first, it is usually more persuasive to include information that you want to highlight-education or employment experience-in this section. Limit the length of your resume to one page (two pages at the most) unless you have an extensive and relevant work history. Inventory your skills and accomplishments. Emphasize leadership potential, organizational ability, communication skills teamwork experiences, and opportunities to work with different types of people. Less is best. If you use different typefaces, boldface, capitalization, or underlining-keep it to a minimum; excessive highlighting defeats the purpose of gaining your reader’s attention. Don’t skimp on your paper. A good quality linen paper with matching stationery and business envelopes completes the professional-looking package. Color recommendations: white, buff, ivory, light tan or grey.
The Career Center Staff
Delores DeanDirector
Raymond PandleyAssistant Director
Arnett MooreAssistant Director
Lois BellCareer Development Coordinator
Mary Rodgers BrooksInternship Coordinator
Joan SweetExperiential Learning Coordinator
Kay WallaceEmployers Coordinator
Vivian BushEmployers Representative
Roland PompeyTechnology Representative
Barbara Sutton Senior Secretary